www.TAX FREE MONEY. info
Helping Clients Reach Financial Security
"No Matter What"
Ken Armstrong 
Insurance & Financial Services
Milton, Ontario 

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Most of us all want  tax free money and as much as we can get.

Below are some examples of actual clients whom have taken advantage of either Renting or Buying using tax free dollars to complete their own financial plan.

Once you have secured your financial goals, it will allow you to free up cash and liquid assets  to invest and purchase the things you want.

Case Studies : Personal  Business

Young family needs Tax free funds to pay off debts

Scott, a single person needs Tax Free dollars to eliminate debts.

Les wants to keep the family cottage in the family

Mike & Helen wants to balance his investment portfolio and needs  tax free money.

Don't lose 1/2 your RRSP's  to the Government

Seniors like to double their investments on GIC's 9.73% 
and  to pay less tax.

Retiring couples  want tax free money and keep their estate under their control and not a nursing care home institution.

Bill  wants to provide all his employees with benefits that will provide tax free dollars in the hands of  the employee.

Barry a Business owner needs Tax Free dollars to pay off debts and create additional tax free capital gains

Steve  a entrepreneur needs  tax free money to protect his investment in new business, his concerns are stroke, heart attach, cancer.

Robert is self employed, he can increase his medical to $1m and disability benefits $400 to $1,000 per week  for pennies per day, fully tax deductible!

XYZ Transport company limit their liability and wants to make sure proper injury coverage is in place for any owner operators they may contract with.

George and John  in business  need Tax Free funds to protect the escalating  value of their company.

Tip for the Month !!

Do you contract Independent Self Employed ?
Independent operators have the choice to purchase optional insurance from WSIB or purchase private coverage equal to or better than WSIB.  It is recommended that  firms make it mandatory that their independents have WSIB or equivalent coverage to limit their own & customer's liability exposures under Employers Liability, Contingent Employers Liability or Independent Contractors Coverage. 
These independents may still be deemed to be in your care custody and control.
Read more..

I trust that you will be able to  utilize the information brought to you on this web site, as it is a contribution of a network of Insurance professionals, Accountants, and Lawyers, that have been able to utilize these ideas to help  their   clients reach financial security and piece of mind, so that their estates will not be eroded by the almighty taxman.

All of the ideas that you will see are actual case studies of clients of this group, and how they have obtained tax free dollars, to protect and enhance their wealth.

We look forward to showing you personal and  business solutions that can give you financial independence.

Many of our friends, relatives in a time of need
often times forget about the 
Survivor  & Disability Benefits under their Canada Pension Plan!!
Check out the coverage under CPP!
Including Students age 18-25  of a deceased or disabled parent going to a recognized college or university!

Pension Plan
Survivor Benefits
Disability Benefits
Retirement Benefits



Pension Plan
Survivor Benefits
Disability Benefits
Retirement Benefits