Getting the most tax free dollars from your Group and Corporate insurance Program |
Steve is self employed small business owner
is a 46 year person , owns his own business**, and is making a reasonable
income maximizing his business deductions, which leaves him with a minimum
income for income tax purposes. HIs major concern is only for
his health should end up having, a stroke,
heart attack, cancer, etc. how it would effect his business and
his employees. The business can make the deposits into the account
and as Steve is the beneficiary of the account he will received the proceeds
tax free. He would like to be in a position if he were to have an critical
illness that enough tax free dollars are available to pay
off his debts and he could then survive a short term illness to keep his
company going or be in a position to sell the company to provide additional
funds depending on the severity of his illness.
* Should Scott wish to discontinue his coverage or not require the tax free dollars in the future he can request a refund of 75% of his deposits, or 100% return of his deposits tax free @ age 75 ** Note this concept can be arranged to fund a buy-sell agreement in the event of either partners critical illness. |